Sunday, August 16, 2009

I'm ALIVe!!!!

I apologize forthe gigantic delay in writing a post! Yes, I am alive and yes i have so so much to write about but the internet is not available for much longer so I will have to postpone a real post until tomorrow, which is surgery day 1.

To say being here on such for such a great mission is amazing would be an understatement. The Kenyans are incredible people, welcoming you with hugs and lots of questions. I promise a loooong post tomorrow night (pending intetnet of course... I cant wait to post pictures when I get back!

Thanks for your patience!



  1. I'm so happy you're alive :) I can't wait to read the posts and see pictures and hear every detail, especially when you're living in Charlotte with meee :) Keep up the good work Dena Wena. Have fun, be safe and give those Kenyans a thumbs up for me. Love you!!

  2. Happy B-day.... Anxious to hear from you! Hope all is well!

    Mom and Dad

  3. So excited to see all the pictures and hear all the stories when you get back. Tell Melman he's not dying and go tell gloria how he really feels. Give King Julian a high five for me.
    miss you


  4. King Juilan is the best. I like it Aaron. Miss you again!
